Report types overview
Last updated: March 11, 2025
FareHarbor provides a variety of reports to help you run your business. Find descriptions of each type below, or click on a report name to learn more.
Payouts & Refunds: View deposits FareHarbor has made to your bank account, broken out by payments, refunds, transfers, and adjustments. You can also see your pending payments under To Be Paid Out, and keep track of your bank debits and refund reserve under Refunds & Bank Debits.
Invoices: If you get bookings from affiliates, this report lets you view and create invoices for affiliate payments.
Contacts: Generate a list of primary contacts from all of your bookings within a given date range.
Exploring top-level metrics
The Overview page provides key reporting data, enabling you to quickly access important metrics.
- Bookings created: Review booking volume and channel details for the last seven days.
- Revenue collected: Review total revenue, as well as subtotals based on payment type, for the last seven days.
Year over year: Compare this year’s monthly performance against last year’s, grouped by availability date. Hover over the graph or use the Show details option to explore more granular monthly metrics.
Year over year is intended to serve as a general indicator of performance, and is not a comprehensive financial report.
(Note: Year over year shows revenue data available for as recently as yesterday’s date, and updates once every 24 hours. If the graph does not initially display data as of yesterday’s date, please refresh your page after a few minutes to view the most up-to-date data.)
Next payout: Review the total balance and date of your next payout.
- Popular items: Review the names and booking totals of the items most frequently booked during the last seven days.
Advanced reports
Advanced reports are grouped into several categories based on the information they provide: Sales, Bookings, Customers, Custom Field Answers, and Expenses and Discounts. Under each category, you can create a report from scratch or choose from one of the suggested reports.
Sales: View detailed information about transactions made in FareHarbor.
- Sales by User: A summary of transactions, broken down by the user who created the transaction
- Sales by Availability: A summary of transactions grouped by availability, then payment type
- Sales by Item: A summary of transactions broken down by item
- Revenue By Type: A summary of transactions grouped by accrual status, then payment type, then item
Bookings: Gather important insights about your bookings, such as which items or sources generate the most revenue.
- Bookings by Item: Summary of bookings grouped by item
- Bookings by User: Summary of bookings organized by the user who made the booking, then by item
- Booking Source: Summary of bookings grouped by source, such as direct, online, and affiliate
- Agents: Summary of affiliate bookings organized by the agent tagged on the booking (available if you work with affiliates)
- Desks: Summary of affiliate bookings broken down by the desk tagged on the booking (available if you work with affiliates)
- Lodgings: Summary of bookings broken down by customers’ lodging option (available if you use transportation)
- Pickup Locations: Summary of bookings grouped by pickup location (available if you use transportation)
- Booking Details: All bookings for a specific date range, along with detailed information for each
- Underpaid: All bookings for a specific date range that are not paid in full
- Cancelled: Summary of cancelled bookings grouped by item
Customers: Report on customer types that were booked in a given date range. This can help you determine which customer types are booked most often, how much revenue is generated from each, and more.
- Customer Types: Summary of customer data, broken down by customer type, then by item
Custom Field Answers: Analyze custom field answers to gather information about your customers and activities. For example, find out which promo codes were used most often in a certain timeframe, how many customers heard of your business through Yelp, what your most popular photo package was, etc.
Expenses and Discounts: Track manual price adjustments that were made on bookings, such as added retail items or discounts taken after the booking was made.
Revenue by Type: Shows how much money you collected in a given date range, plus recognized and deferred revenue.
Payments Summary: Lists all payments and refunds taken in a given date range, grouped by availability.
Crew: If you use your Dashboard to assign crew members to availabilities, shows which users were assigned to bookings in a given date range.
Campaigns: Summarizes how often your campaigns were used in a given date range, and their related booking sums.
Credit Card Disputes: Shows all disputes within a given date range; can be filtered by dispute status.
Legacy reports
Legacy reports are the reports previously available in FareHarbor prior to January 2017. They can be easily recreated, customized, and saved using Advanced reports, but are still available in their original form if needed.
Detailed Bookings: Lists all bookings in a given date range along with detailed information about each. When exporting this report, you can choose to include payments, custom field answers, customer contact information, and online booking reference.
- Bookings by Item: Breaks down the total number of bookings by item in a given date range.
- Bookings by User: Breaks down what user made the bookings in a given date range.
- Booking Sources: Breaks down the total number of bookings by their source (direct, online, affiliate, etc.) in a given date range.
Summary Reports
- Customer Types: Shows how many of each customer type (such as “Adult” and “Child”) were booked in a given date range, and their related booking sums.
- Custom Field Uses: Summarizes how often a specific custom field was used in a given date range, and its related booking sums.
- Expenses and Discounts: Shows manual price adjustments made on bookings in a given date range.
Affiliates (available if you work with affiliates):
- Agents: Summary of affiliate bookings organized by the agent tagged on the booking.
- Desks: Summary of affiliate bookings broken down by the desk tagged on the booking.
Transportation (available if you have transportation set up in your Dashboard):
- Lodgings: Summary of bookings broken down by customers’ lodging option.
- Pickup Locations: Summary of bookings grouped by pickup location.